Franklin Co. Ag Fair Postponed for Second Straight Year

ROCKY MOUNT – Franklin County officials announced today the County will postpone the 2021 Franklin County Agricultural Fair out of an abundance of caution due to rising COVID-19
cases in the community and region which is of specific concern for attendees, volunteers, and staff
working the event.
Prior to this decision discussions were had with local and regional health officials, the County
Board of Supervisors, fair vendors, and those volunteering for the event.
The County’s highest
priority is the health and safety of its citizens. The County strives to protect both residents and
staff, as well as event volunteers while simultaneously creating safe family entertainment events.
Given the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases within Franklin County and the expected continued
spike in infections over the next few weeks, the Franklin County Agricultural Fair cannot be held
in a manner that ensures the safety of the expected 7,000-8,000 people, event staff, and volunteers
that participate in the fair each year.
The Franklin County Agricultural Fair unavoidably positions both attendees and volunteers/staff
in close proximity to one another which poses an increased threat of virus transmission. Patron
transportation via enclosed shuttles; customer prolonged waits standing in ticket lines; volunteers
serving in ticket and exhibit booths; as well as the sanitation of attraction rides are just a few
examples of the high-risk situations the Fair may present.
At this time the COVID-19 positivity
rate in Franklin County has rapidly increased to an alarming 20.1% with hundreds of new positive
COVID-19 cases added within the last couple of weeks. Area hospitals, emergency rooms, and
medical providers are experiencing a continual increase in the number of COVID-19 patients.
Franklin County values providing entertainment events to its citizens and prides itself on safe and
family-friendly County sanctioned events. With that being said, the County thanks the residents
of the County for their efforts to decrease the spread of COVID-19 and looks forward to a period
of decreasing positivity rates.