Franklin Co. Public Library Closed for Coronavirus Prevention

ROCKY MOUNT – Due to growing concerns related to coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Franklin County Public Library has closed to the public as of Monday, March 16. Closure applies to both the Rocky Mount and Westlake locations. In addition, the Bookmobile has suspended operations as of Monday, March 16.
In the interest of public safety, the library hopes these precautions will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. This decision was made based on recommendations of local authorities, health departments and government representatives.

All meeting room reservations at both library locations have been cancelled through March. In addition, neither library location will take new room reservations at this time.
The library’s ebooks and other online offerings remain available 24/7. Our online offerings include authoritative databases, online learning products, genealogy and family history research tools, and reading and studying materials for children and young adults.
Staff will be present at the library to answer your phone calls (540-483-3098) and emails ([email protected], [email protected]). Staff will also, at your request, pack a bag of library resources, such as books, audiobooks and DVDs, that we will check out to you and leave curbside for you to pick up at either the Rocky Mount or Westlake location.
No fines or fees will accrue while the library is closed.
Updates on library services, operations, reopening dates, and any added or new resources will be posted on and our Facebook pages: Franklin.County.Public.Library.Main and Franklin.County.Public.Library.Westlake
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we face this public health emergency together.