CORONAVIRUS & FLU: Local Health Facility Discourages Visitors, Using Screening Process

Rocky Mount – The following is a statement from Franklin Health and Rehabilitation Center on the impacts from the Coronavirus and/or influenza posted to their Facebook page Tuesday night:

“An important update on the precautionary measures we are taking to limit the spread of all viruses, especially Coronavirus (COVID-19), to our residents, staff, and visitors,
“At this time, we are discouraging all visitation per CMS and CDC recommendations and guidelines. We are also asking that only immediate family members visit, if necessary, and that they make sure to fill out our screening questionnaire before every visit. Immediate family members must answer whether they are sick, if they have traveled outside the U.S. in the past 14 days, and if they have had contact with someone who has been diagnosed or is under investigation for COVID-19. Those who answer yes to any of the screening questions or show signs of illness will be asked to postpone their visit. If your visitation is restricted, we will help you communicate with your loved one by phone,
“In addition, we are limiting entry of visitors to ONE entrance. The designated entrance will be the area where our Service Ambassador is. We are also restricting our visitation hours to times when our Service Ambassador is working,
“Everyone in our Center (staff, residents, families, volunteers, contractors, vendors, outside specialties, providers, etc.) are being asked to limit physical contact while in our Center. For example, hand-shaking and hugging should not take place. We are encouraging 6 feet spatial distance when appropriate,
“As a reminder, if you are an immediate family member of a resident and must visit, please make use of hand sanitizer available at the front desk or wash your hands prior to every visit,
“We appreciate your patience and understanding as we take all necessary precautions to ensure the health and well-being of everyone at our Center.”