Mail from Syndorsville Home Destroyed by Tornado Found 10 Miles Away in Redwood

FRANKLIN COUNTY – Nearly one week after a violent tornado cut a 8.2 mile scar through southern Franklin County, mail from a home destroyed in the storm has been found in Redwood.

Brock Anderson, son of Larry and Delores Anderson says his friend, all of people, found the mail piece 10 miles away on Farm View Road in Redwood. Thursday. Anderson himself lives in Redwood and says he’s found insulation in his yard as well on Redwood Road.
Anderson says there are likely other papers that were stored in the home that are out there somewhere.
Strong tornadoes, like the 159 mph EF-3 one that hit Franklin County last Friday, can loft debris thousands of feet in the air. Some of it, especially papers, can travel across entire counties before falling back down to the ground.
Even though the tornado itself lifted as it traveled NE, the storm’s circulation remained intact and could be tracked across Redwood and Glade Hill, then the Westlake are last Friday.