Portions of Downtown Rocky Mount To Be Closed To Repair Local Business

ROCKY MOUNT – The Town of Rocky Mount announced on Tuesday that portions of Westbound Franklin Street, from Diamond Avenue to Claiborne Street will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians on Wednesday, March 6th to repair the facade to Antiques & Collectibles of the Crooked Road that was damaged in an accident in late December 2018.
The closure will occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and will include High Street from Angle to Franklin Street.
Westbound passengers vehicles will be detoured through Maynor or Spring Streets. However, westbound truck traffic will be detoured to South Main Street to Floyd Avenue or Scuffling Hill Road.
The westbound traffic lane will be blocked by barricades and vehicles. Drivers and pedestrians in the area should use caution and obey all traffic signs, signals, speed limits and directions.
For the latest information visit: https://www.facebook.com/discoverrockymount/