Free Lunch, Music, Tours at Pool Phoebe Needles’ Spring Gathering

CALLAWAY – Phoebe Needles Center, Inc. is pleased to host its ANNUAL SPRING GATHERING on Saturday, April 30, 2020 at The Phoebe Needles Center, located at 732 Turners Creek Road, Callaway, VA 24067. Admission is FREE! Donations will be accepted for the benefit of our SUMMER CAMP FUND.
Please join us as we celebrate the 120th Anniversary of Phoebe Needles!
Festivities will begin at 11:30 AM with live bluegrass music! There will also be a FREE pulled pork lunch with all the fixin’s starting at 12:30 PM, along with games and activities for children and youth, facility tours and more.
Our annual SILENT AUCTION will start on April 1, 2022 via, and will end with in-person, silent bidding at the Spring Gathering. Don’t miss out! Items up for auction may include: Quilts, Household Items, Jewelry, Gift Baskets, Gift Cards, Art Work, B&B/Overnight Accommodations, Craft Items, Books, Home Decor, and more!
We are also accepting donated items for auction. If you have something to donate to our cause, please drop your items off at the Phoebe Needles Office through March 25, 2022, or call 540-483-1518 or email [email protected] to arrange for pick-up!