CenturyLink Customers Sound Off on Proposed Sale to Connect Holdings, Citing Poor Service, Customer Support and Slow Speeds

FRANKLIN COUNTY – The Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) is taking comments on a proposed sale of Century Link’s local exchange carrier operations, its physical mostly-copper phone and DSL network and residential fiber broadband in Virginia and 19 other states to affiliates of Apollo Global Management, a private equity firm, as Connect Holdings.

Across Franklin County, many citizens currently have no other options except CenturyLink for phone and/or internet services. Many of these CenturyLink customers in the County have had long-standing issues with the company’s phone and internet service, and with getting information about issues in a timely and consistent manner. The County is sharing the information with its citizens to review and comment to the SCC about issues or concerns they may have with Century Link.
Details of the joint petition of Lumen Technologies, Inc can be found here: nr210246.PDF (virginia.gov)
Members of the public can submit comments to the SCC regarding the sale on the state’s website at scc.virginia.gov/casecomments/Submit-Public-Comments. The deadline for public comment submissions was February 17, 2022. But you may still be able to connect to the SCC with any concerns on the webpage provided.