Hardy Road Roundabout Opens to the Public & Other VDOT Updates

(NEW 9-24-21) * ROUTE 643 PIPE REPLACEMENT – Effective September 27 at 8 a.m., a section of Route 643 (Coles Creek Road) will be closed for a pipe replacement. The closure is located 2.4 miles North of Route 821 (Calico Rock Road) and 0.4 miles south of Route 737 (Deyerle Knob Road). The road is scheduled to be closed until October 8 at 5 p.m.
(NEW 9-24-21) * ROUTE 122 at ROUTE 636 ROUNDABOUT – This project is currently underway to construct a roundabout. The roundabout is expected to open on or about Sunday, September 26. The project begins from 0.161 mile south of Route 636 to 0.090 mile south of Route 636. There will be periodic flagging between 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and possibly after 6 p.m. The scheduled completion date is May 2022.
· The roundabout is scheduled to open to traffic on Sunday, September 26. Drivers will continue to experience flagging and lane closures until the project is completed.
(NEW 9-3-21) * ROUTE 834 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS – Construction is underway on Route 834 (Brooks Mill Road) from Route 670 (Burnt Chimney Road) to Route 616 (Scruggs Road) for safety improvements to include widening shoulders, adding rumble strips and guardrail as well as removing trees and brush to improve sight distance. Flagging operations will be in place from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work will be scheduled to avoid impacting morning or afternoon traffic at nearby Dudley Elementary School. The estimated completion date is May 2022.
(UPDATED 2-26-21) * ROUTE 775 CLOSURE – Route 775 (Iron Ridge Road) is closed to traffic as an emergency closure due to washout. The road will remain closed until further notice.