ROCKY MOUNT, VA – As the summer begins to heat up, more and more residents will be out enjoying a bicycle ride. Bike riding has increased over the last several years in Franklin County and around Rocky Mount. Both adults and children can be seen riding. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles has put together great information pertaining to the cyclists and drivers on our highways. Let’s all look after each other.
Bicycle Rules of the Road From The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
Bicycles are subject to many of the same laws as motor vehicles, and Bicyclists are subject to many of the same laws as drivers. When passing a bicyclist, motor vehicles must proceed at a reasonable speed and travel at least three feet to the left of the overtaken bicycle. Riders should practice safe and legal bike operation:
- Ride with traffic.
- Stop and look both ways before entering the street.
- Stop at all intersections.
- Before turning, use hand signals and look all ways.
- Ride defensively – anticipate the actions of other road users and watch for road hazards.
- Pass vehicles with extreme care – turning vehicles may not see you.
- Be aware of motor vehicle blind spots while riding or when stopped at an intersection.
- Walk your bicycle when you get into traffic situations beyond your cycling abilities.
- Exercise great caution when riding in bus traffic – watch out for buses pulling to and from curbs and passengers getting on and off buses.
- Park your bicycle so you do not block sidewalks, disabled accesses, building accesses or emergency lanes.