Sheriff Overton Will Seek a Third Term
ROCKY MOUNT – Franklin County Sheriff Bill Overton announced last Thursday, Feb. 28 he will seek a third term in office as Sheriff in a news release.
Overton has served as Sheriff since 2012. During his tenure, the Sheriff’s Office has achieved accreditation, implemented emergency medical dispatch, and increased school security with new technology for alerting law enforcement during an emergency such as an active shooter scenario. Active shooter training classes and numerous town hall events at community centers and churches have also been a frequent tool for outreach under Overton. The Sheriff’s Department has also stepped up their fight against the opioid epidemic.
“The challenges are still before us, and evil still lurks, which is why I am committed and have a desire to seek another term as your Sheriff,” Overton said in the news release.
“I will continue to provide exceptional leadership while instilling our core values of accountability, integrity, professionalism, fairness, loyalty, courage and honesty within the Office of the Sheriff. I am asking for your support on November 5th so that I may continue to provide a high performing Sheriff’s Office to the citizens of Franklin County.”